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Sam Milby: “I found out na may type 2 diabetes na ako”

Actor Sam Milby expressed his surprised to discover that he has Type 2 diabetes. Sam added that he does not have a sweet tooth that is why he is a bit surprise to have the said illness.

Sam reminded his fans and followers not to ignore the symptoms of diabetes and better undergo regular checkups as well.

On Instagram, Sam posted the following:

“I’ve always thought of myself as a healthy person. I don’t have a sweet tooth, bihira din mag junk food, pero last year I found out na may type 2 diabetes na ako.

My parents and grandparents never had it. I just wish I got checked up earlier nung pre diabetes pa.

My advice – don’t ignore the symptoms (my main symptoms – always thirsty and urinating often) and get checked up regularly.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @Sam Milby)

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