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Bea Alonzo on Dominic Roque: “I saw myself marrying this man”

Actress Bea Alonzo admitted that actor Dominic Roque was the man she saw marrying. Bea and Dominic announced their engagement but months after announced that they have decided to end their relationship.

Fans and followers of both Bea and Dominic were saddened by the news and still hope that the two can patched things up.

In an interview with Tatler Philippines, Bea said the whole experience made her realized what adds value to ones life.

“I saw myself marrying this man. But sometimes, things don’t go according to plan. Sometimes God’s plan is better, and I have learnt to embrace that.” started Bea.

“Before we announced it, we had been trying to work things out for months. It’s not like it happened overnight; it was a process for both of us,” Bea added.

“It always takes two to tango. Sometimes relationships don’t work, and that’s fine,” Alonzo says. “I guess I also have to thank him because had he not been courageous enough actually to acknowledge that there was something wrong in our relationship, I may have continued to be carried away by the pressures of society,” said Bea.

How did she coped?

“For months, I did not check my social media. I had a sort of social media detox for a while, and that helped me a lot in coping and healing,” she said.

I am grateful for the people around me who were there for me even in the most trying times when I became difficult to understand. My friends and family became an anchor,” quips Bea.

“I’m happy now. I feel like I know myself better now. I know what kind of noise to cancel out and what kind of advice to absorb. I think the most important thing is to know what adds value to your life, and I’m there now in that space.” Bea stated.

(Photo source: Instagram – @Bea Alonzo)

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