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Coleen Garcia on son Baby Amari: “I decided to put him before myself”

Actress and TV host Coleen Garcia expressed her honest thoughts and sentiments as she opened up on her breastfeeding journey.

In her Instagram account, Coleen shared several photos taken when she was breastfeeding her adorable son, baby Amari. It appeared that Coleen shared the said photos as she marked the ‘World Breastfeeding Week’. Coleen inspired a lot of her fans and followers as she opened up on her struggles when she was breastfeeding baby Amari.

According to Coleen she can share many reasons why breastfeeding is hard. However, there are much stronger reasons why it was worth it.

“If it seems like I’m always nursing…. it’s because I AM. 🙃🐮

It’s #worldbreastfeedingweek! We celebrate the mothers who have gone to great lengths to do what they believe is best for their children. Don’t be made to feel ashamed of your decisions, and don’t you ever apologize for doing the best you can. Do what you feel is best for your family, and be proud as you do it. If you choose to breastfeed, know that there is a whole community that gets you. Also, we shouldn’t have to normalize something that already IS normal and natural. 🐄

Time does fly, and what a journey it has been for us! Going on two years, and still counting. And let me tell you, it ain’t glamorous. There have been (and still are) countless sleepless nights, frustration, sacrifices, discomfort, and a lack of time, energy and capacity for anything else. During the times when Amari is non-stop nursing cause he’s sick or teething, sometimes, it’s almost like I feel every last drop draining out of me. But I do see how it always quickly and effectively makes things better for him. And that’s what it is. Being uncomfortable but giving him comfort, feeling weak but making him strong.. feeling like I’m not enough, then realizing that I have more to give than I could have ever imagined.

I can name many reasons why it’s hard, but much stronger reasons why it’s so worth it. The permanent effects will always outweigh my temporary discomfort and sacrifices. It gives me so much peace and a sense of fulfillment to know that I’ve been doing what I can to keep Amari as healthy as possible, but our breastfeeding journey hasn’t only been about that. I truly believe that it has brought us even closer and has strengthened the bond, connection and relationship we share in a deeply humbling way. I wouldn’t be the mother—the person—I am today if it weren’t for the times I decided to put him before myself. I could never imagine what it would have been like if we hadn’t chosen this path, and I would choose it again and again! 🤍” Coleen wrote in the caption.

(Photo source: Instagram – @coleen)

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