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Kris Aquino back in Manila

Fans and followers of actress and TV host Kris Aquino got excited when they heard the news that Kris is back in Manila. As promised, Kris said she will be back in the Philippines before the year ends.

On her Instagram account, Kris posted the following:

“i choose to be 100% honest. i arrived in the 🇺🇸 with 3 diagnosed autoimmune conditions, a 4th was confirmed in late June of 2022 (1. Autoimmune Thyroiditis 2. Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria 3. Churg Strauss/EGPA- a rare, complicated form of vasculitis 4. Systemic Sclerosis and this 2024 i was diagnosed with 5. SLE/Lupus and 6. Rheumatoid Arthritis.) We are still waiting for the results of 2 more autoimmune conditions.

I thank all of you for your prayers.

The reason i decided to go home is because i need to start my second immunosuppressant infusions in 2-3 weeks (it’s a gentler term for chemotherapy). Emotionally i need the encouragement and unwavering faith my sisters & cousins, closest friends, and trusted team of doctors can provide… sadly what was the BATTLE TO IMPROVE MY HEALTH is now THE STRUGGLE TO PROTECT MY VITAL ORGANS. This is now the FIGHT OF MY LIFE.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @Kris Aquino)

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