Actress and TV host Kris Aquino thanked fiancé Mel Sarmiento for confronting senatorial aspirant and former Quezon City mayor Herbert Bautista for his ‘TOTGA’ remark.
“Hindi po showbiz ang Senado. People would appreciate it more if he would talk about his credentials to woo our people’s votes. Mas magandang accomplishments niya bilang public servant ang ilahad niya sa publiko sa halip na ang mga nakalipas niyang karelasyon.” said Sarmiento in reaction to the now deleted tweet of Bautista.
In her Instagram account, Kris posted a photo of Taylor Swift’s song “The Better Man” with the following messageL
“1 of the many reasons i’ll forever be a #swiftie (my favorite lyrics from BETTER MAN)
And i gave to you my best and we both know you can’t say that
i wish you were a better man
i wonder what we would’ve become
If you were a better man
We might still be in love
If you were a better man
You would’ve been the one
If you were a better man
when i woke up beside him this morning, i really thanked God and thanked my kuya up in heaven for reconnecting me with #thebetterman
Thank you babe… Nobody has stood up & fought for me the way you have consistently been doing. You have never blamed me for my past, instead you have just loved me for me.
Every time i remember last week when we mistakenly thought ready for occupancy na Bimb’s unit, (we are leasing 2, unfortunately 1 floor apart) before we left he hugged you tight and said “I love you Tito Mel, please take special care of mama because i love her so much.”
I really thank God because my beloved bunso both loves & trusts you. #family”
(Photo source: Instagram – @krisaquino)
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