On the comment section, the netizen posted the following:
“thought you were signing off in social media? i guess for 24 hrs only”
This did not escape the attention of Kris, Kris posted the following as her reply to the comment:
“because when you have news that can inspire, when you have a FAMILY that can come together and make LOVE be the center of their relationship, you shout about it from your platform.”
This elicited another reply from the netizen:
“i understand that but im not just talking about this post but also your 2 previous posts. you said it yourself, you’re an AQUINO and you take pride of “palabra de honor” in your family. its mind boggling somehow that it was otherwise. Sorry Kris but this is just my opinion but its your account and your life. Goodluck and be happy. I sincerely hope you find peace in your heart.”
(Photo source: Instagram – @krisaquino)
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