Queen of All media Kris Aquino could not help but get sentimental as she shared how her brother Noynoy Aquino still cares for her first born Kuya Joshua amid their sibling ‘tampuhans’.
In her Instagram post, Kris shared how the former president never fails to immediately o reply to Kuya Joshua’s text messages.
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She wrote: “we aren’t a perfect family… my 2 have new phones & i wanted to see the new features, so i got to read kuya josh’s messages.
this is worth sharing, another glimpse at the Aquinos… my 2 have faced fear & uncertainty because of my health. a few times, kuya actually said, ‘don’t die, mama.’ reading kuya’s phone, tears really fell. every single time he had text his tito noy, no matter how simple his text or seemingly ordinary his message, there was ALWAYS an immediate reply. simpleng bagay ang text BUT it shows how caring my brother is to my panganay…”
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