Kris also mentioned how no one came to help her because of her sound proofed room until she was able to reach her phone and call her helper Bincai who rushed into her room.
“Warning: it’s not great to have a sound proofed home. Bimb was in his study room across & i was afraid to move in case i dislocated anything; i kept shouting for HELP but nobody could hear me… after a couple of minutes i saw my phone was within reach & i called bincai, she came in, saw me in a crumpled heap then 3 of them helped put me in a seated position to check if i had hurt anything badly. My lower right side arms up to my shoulder have scrapes, bruises, and swelling. Ribs hurt, left side of my neck feels sore & i feel a bukol in the back of my head. To lighten the situation i know that i’m kelly clarkson’s “beautiful disaster” but as ed sheeran said at least “hearts don’t break around here”… good health to all,” Kris added.
(Photo source: Instagram – @krisaquino)
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