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Mini Miss U to Vice Ganda: “‘What matters is someone still likes you'”

TV host Vice Ganda was touched and moved by the statement made by 7 years old Mini Ms. U” contestant Annika Co about being loved and being the best person one could be.

After rendering a song, Vice made an impromptu scenario where he and Annika are good friends. They are set to do a performance together but all of a sudden Vice got scared and got scared.

Annika then comforted Vice by saying that she will go first and when Vice started to feel confident, he can join later.

Vice then expressed his concern that people may not like her for he is not the best. Annika gave the following answer:

“If some people don’t like you, then it’s fine. What’s important is someone still likes you.” said Annika.

“You shouldn’t be worrying about if you’ll be the best in the world, you have to be the best version of yourself” Annika added.

(Photo source: Twitter – @itsshowtimena)

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