At 43, former beauty queen Miriam Quiambao and her husband Ardy Roberto consider their 10-week-old son Elijah as their miracle baby.
In her Instagram post, Miriam shared her baby’s before and after photos taken almost two months apart where she described his previous state as “skin and bones” before showing improvement on his weight.
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Miriam wrote: “Praise God for this boy! He has gained so much weight since we left the hospital. Photo on left shows how he was skin and bones on March 9, 2019. His weight here was around 3.9lbs. .
Today, April 30, 2019, at 10 weeks, 3 days, he weights 7.5lbs! Yeheey! Ang takaw kasi!! And this is all pure breast milk! No supplements whatsoever!!
Praying that he will soon catch up in size. May he continue to grow in wisdom and stature and favor with God and men.
I love you Elijah-boo! .
Follow @elijahroberto for more updates. .
#MiracleBoy #MiracleBaby #PreemiesOfInstagram”
Miriam gave birth to baby Elijah last February 16.
(Photo source: Instagram – @miriamq888)
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