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Raquel Pempengco reacts to Stell’s performance of “All By Myself”

Raquel Pempengco, mother of Charice now Jake Zyrus reacted to the recent performance of SB 19 vocalist Stell Ajero singing ‘All By Myself’ during the concert of international composer writer David Foster.

It can be recalled that Jake, then Charice also performed the same song when she guested on David’s concert singing the same song. Her performance brought the house down. Audience stood up to gave Charice a big round of applause.

On Facebook, Raquel commented that Stell’s performance is good but requested netizens not to compare him to Charice.

“Gulatin mo din mga tao…mag-Charice Pempengco ka ulit…hahaha joke lang pero in fairness magaling si Stell Ajero…mala-Jed Madela din but still don’t compare with Charice.

Oops just saying lang ha…It’s my own opinion…Dadami n naman busher ko…Peace yow!”’

(Photo source: Facebook – @Raquel Pempengco)

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