Actress Shaina Magdayao shared with her fans and followers that she was tested positive from COVID-19. Shaina said she initially thought what she felt was a side-effect of her booster shot.
But the situation got worse and she decided to have herself tested and the result was positive.
On Instagram, Shaina narrated the entire story:
“#Positive. 🙏🏻
Tested positive last January 9 on Antigen. Symptoms started to show a day after my booster shot so we thought my fever was just due to my shot. 💉
But I just kept on feeling worse, day by day. Result of my RT PCR(taken last Jan 9) came out last night. As expected, positive. 🦠
Fever is consistently 38-39…😷 Super sore throat…😩 Badddd cough and phlegm… …and just today, rashes are all over 🙏🏻
3rd day of isolation today 🙏🏻
Most of the people I know are positive/recovering….. ❤️🩹 Thank God my family is safe and healthy 🤍 #Grateful for friends and family who have been checking on me every single positive day 😂🤍
Praying for everyone’s safety…
May Your HEALING cover our minds and bodies. Fill our hearts and minds with your #peace. Heal and strengthen us, O Lord 🙏🏻 Amen”
(Photo source: Instagram – @shaina_magdayao)
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