Fans and followers of actress Yassi Pressman can’t help but gush over the latest video that she shared on her social media account.
In her Instagram account, Yassi posted a short video. In the video, Yassi was with her sister fellow actress Issa Pressman and their good friends, Elena Virata and Keiko Nakajima. It appeared that Yassi’s new house is now on “finishing” stage as she wrote:
“Killing mosquitos as a crew 🤣 Pre-finishingssss 👏🏻 @elenavirata @pressmanissa @keikofoxx
Youtube House Tour Soon?! Leave a heart. 🖤”
The said video that Yassi has posted caught the attention of netizens as it went viral. Netizens expressed their admiration as they commented:
– “Ang cool ng crew 🔥”
– “Ey-ey-eeeyyy🙋🙋🙋 that’s swag and cool 🥰🥰🥰”
– “Ang kukulet😂😂😂…”
– “SQUAD GOALS!!! 🔥😍❤️🙌”
– “Galing 🙌🔥❤️”
(Photo source: Instagram – @yassipressman)
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