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Michelle Madrigal flaunts 1 year body transformation

Actress Michelle Madrigal flaunted her fit body and shared her body transformation over a year. It was recalled that last June, Michelle announced that she had a surgery to remove her breast implant.

In her Instagram account, Michelle posted a photo comparing her body in the year 2019 and year 2020. She shared that last year, she was not mindful of her food consumption.


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“I would eat clean the whole week and would eat more calories on the weekends.” said Michelle. She had “on and off” her progress because she was not fully committed. “Also, this was me with implants, not feeling like myself.” added by Michelle.

But this year, she shared that she was now mindful of her food choices. She said “Listening to my body. Eating “treats” almost everyday and not feeling guilty about it because they fit within my macros”. Michelle also shared that she can now enjoy a drink or two over the weekends and not shaming herself for doing so. “These are habits I have accumulated through the years and has helped me tremendously with my health and fitness journey” added by her.

Michelle also appealed to stop comparing anyone’s journey to another as she captioned “Every journey will look different for everyone, so please stop comparing. Just because keto worked for someone else doesn’t mean it is the right diet for you. Sustainability is always the end game”.

(Photo source: Instagram – @mitch_madrigal)


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