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Bea Rose Santiago opens up about sexual harassment experiences— alleges priest, CEO

“I was once touched inappropriately by a well known businessman. This guy is a well known CEO of a big company (companies pa nga e) he even organized parties for girls who didnt win with his friends? (I think “hoping” they stopped it)

The next time I met him I was a candidate and the organizers were there to see things thoroughly.
He couldn’t interact with us because the chairwoman was present and so as the chaperones. – still he was talking nonsense to us ?”

Bea also mentioned a politician who acted inappropriately towards a beauty queen while having a photo op.

“- We were at the congress or senate? when a Queen was touched (her behind) while taking a photo. She immediately told me (with a help me look) so i put my hand covering her back protecting her from the “old well known perv” We just won an international pageant but still ?

– i was working when I posed with a middle aged man (I had a feeling he was a perv) so I put both my hands behind me. He still managed to “accidentally swing his hand touching my behind,” she added.


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