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MTRCB gives the movie ‘Dear Satan’ an X rating

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) gave the movie “Dear Satan” an X-rating or was not approved for public viewing.

MTRCB chairman, Lala Sotto-Antonio said the movie offended her as a Christian, and added that the said movie violated Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1986.

“It was given an X rating. They have not appealed yet, but it has been found to be violative of the PD 1986,” said Sotto.

“I have seen the film. I joined the board. I am offended as a Christian. It is not demonic, but it has a different depiction of Satan becoming good. But Satan will never ever be good,” Sotto added.

(Photo source: Facebook – @Lala Sotto-Antonio)

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