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Son of Eva Darren advices FAMAS: “a nice pair of eyeglasses for all in charge”

Dr. Fernando de la Pena, son of veteran actress Eva Darren, accepted the apology of the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences (FAMAS) on behalf of the family.

Dr. de la Pena also thanked netizens for giving their overwhelming display of love and support. Dr. de la Pena also made it clear that he believes Mr. Tirso Cruz III and Mr. Renz Spangler (PR of FAMAS) has nothing to do with what had happen.

On Facebook, Dr. de la Pena posted the following with some word of advice for FAMAS:



Veteran actress Eva Darren snubbed at 72nd FAMAS Awards night

FAMAS issues public apology to actress Eva Darren



My Dear Facebook Family… we truly appreciate the overwhelming display of love and support. Once again the people have spoken and proved that the keyboard is mightier than the sword. Salamat my kinakapatid Reb Belleza and Miss Maila Gumila for spreading the word. My mom is one tough cookie, she is a battle-tested survivor of life’s arena. Ms. Eva Darren has found some comfort in the midst of a loving family which includes you all.

Growing up in a middle-class neighborhood in Manila, we didn’t have much. My mom turned night into day to provide for us including an education that instilled fundamental virtues and principles of Filipino culture that necessitates respect for the elderly. It is far from our intention to ruffle feathers and in fact, our upbringing inclined towards avoiding trouble at all cost often at our emotional expense.

I remember one of my designated house chores as a child was to make sure mom’s FAMAS trophy from 1969 stays constantly dust-less and polished. One of the very few treasured possessions we have. We revered FAMAS and everything it stands for.


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