Actress Yasmin Kurdi shared with the public that her daughter Ayesha was bullied by students at school. According to Yasmien, around 7 to 9 students blocked her daughter from leaving the classroom.
Yasmien added that Ayesha was deneied her food and recess.
On Facebook, Yasmien posted the following:
“Today, my daughter was targeted by a group of students in her class because she was unable to keep up with group messages about their upcoming Christmas party while we were out of the country.
Surrounded by 7-9 students, Ayesha was blocked from leaving the classroom and was denied her food and recess!
In other words she was ganged up on.
Ayesha took a vacation to relieve the stress caused by another students who harassed her by taking video without her consent. This caused her paranoia and anxiety.
Ayesha is just a kid; she recently turned 12. And she has been enduring this type of bullying since grade 2, alarmingly this has led to the creation of an online “AYESHA HATE CLUB” targeting her.
For some reason, some of these students are now in her class.
I am not surprised that the parents of bullies come to their rescue. However, twisting events and claiming it was a regular student meeting and questioning back my daughters behavior is absurd.
Mind you, these are mostly girls, if not all. Gusto mo ba gawin ito sa anak mong babae?”
(Photo source: Facebook – @Yasmien Kurdi)
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