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Julia Barretto to Kris Aquino: “It also pains me to watch you blame yourself”

Kris commented on Julia’s recent open letter Instagram post, saying: “@juliabarretto that’s why Jules i took that stand- that if the outcome did not live up to our hopes i stood firm & said- this is on me… 1 simple reason for you- you are loved by my sons, especially Bimb. I asked him why? Because she is beautiful? He scolded me & said- no mama. I’m not shallow- i love her for what is inside. I have repeated many times- nobody who was part of “i love you hater” should be punushed for working w/ me. And i felt so protective of you & joshua because both of you are just the age of my own joshua… i hope this experience has only strengthened you- that when people see your soul- they will go the distance to support you. Our movie mirrors us- we both have this last name that will make people immediately judge us. Yet at some point, in God’s perfect timing- we transcend the last name, and actually achieve enough to make it a stronger name & we also simply become Julia & Kris.”

Julia then responded: ” @krisaquino I have love for you and your two sons and we all have built a good relationship so it also pains me to watch you blame yourself, Tita. You are loved by many and I don’t want you to feel otherwise. We are onto our 2nd week and people have only been showing love for our film. Whatever the outcome of the movie, no one deserves to take the blame. We brought light to a lot of people through the film. It’s something to be proud of. After all, this is all in God’s hands. Thank you for the encouragement. Means more to me than you know. ❤️ You are and forever will be the Madam Sasha to my Zoey. ❤️”

‘I Love You, Hater’ reportedly earned P40 million on its first four days of showing.

(Photo source: Instagram – @juliabarretto)

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