Maqui Pineda, the fiancée of TV host Robi Domingo revealed to the public that she has a rare autoimmune disease. Maiqui said she was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune condition called Dermatomyositis.
“It sounds very technical, but to explain it in simpler terms: ‘Dermatomyositis is a rare autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness, inflammation, and a skin rash.'” Maiqui described in her blog.
Maqui added that she is exeriencing pain in her joints, as well as difficulty performing simple tasks like opening bottles and lifting objects.
On Instagram, Maqui posted the following:
“What was supposed to be an exciting year of wedding planning, preparing for a new home and working on my career, life had other plans for me… I got sick.
I have a rare autoimmune disease called Dermatomyositis that causes muscle weakness, inflammation and a skin rash.
I already started treatment but the journey to recovery is far from over. There are good days but there are still bad days. I am hopeful that this is just temporary and I will work on getting better one day at a time 🙏
Thank you to everyone who sent prayers and messages of love and support! It meant a lot to me 🤍
For the full story of what happened, I created a blog to help document my own personal progress and for anyone who may need it one day ”
Robi replied and encourage his fiancee to fight on: “Really proud of your progress and your courage. You got this. Everyone is here for you and with you. Gotchu maiqs.”
(Photo source: Instagram – @robidomingo)
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