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Veteran actress Gloria Sevilla passes away at 90

Veteran actress Gloria Sevilla passed away last April 16, 2022 in Oakland, California. She was 90. Actress Krista Ranillo broke the sad news in her Instagram post:

“I can’t sleep. I miss you. I’m so thankful we were able to spend time ever since you moved here to the US. It’s still not enough time. I wish we had more time. I wish we had more memories together. It’s been 10 days since we last saw each other and my heart is breaking knowing I won’t see you again.

You were going to visit for my birthday. You promised to be at my church wedding in July. I love you Grandma. So much. Nino loves you, the kids adore you.

I’m thankful to the Lord that the kids got to know their great Grandma. Nate will miss dancing for you. He told me tonight he wishes he danced more for you because it made you so happy. I love you.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @kristaranillo)

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