Newly-crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2020 Rabiya Mateo high school photo surfaced online and some netizens accused the beauty queen of being a ‘retokada’ or went into some facial enhancements / improvements. Rabiya has captured the attention of the online world not just for winning the crown but also for the controversy about the said pageant.
While some chose to criticize her, there are also some who chose to focused on her academic achievements. Based on her high school yearbook, Rabiya was First Honorable Mention, Best in Communication and Performer of the Year.
Here are some of her added achievements: Com Art Club Vice President / DLC Line Leader / F.I. Youth Bus. Manager / Class Asst. Bus. Manager / Senior Council Assistant Business Manager.
Rabiya was described as “A girl with glamorous smile. Every boy is mesmerized with her sophisticated looks. The darling of Year IV-Saint Agnes. Those shimmering tan skin catches everyone’s attention especially the boys. She has a towering height. When she starts speaking, you should ready your handkerchiefs for your nose might bleed. She is a very sensitive person so be careful with the words you choose. She is sweet like sugar. That’s what makes Rabiya “Byang”: Brilliant, Youth, Admirable, narcissist and Gorgeous.”
(Photo source: Instagram – @rabiyamateo / Facebook – @The Queens of the Philippines)
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