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Kim Chiu on ‘Bawal Lumabas’ journey: “From a mistake… and now a mini-series”

Actress Kim Chiu expressed her gratitude to the support of her fans and followers for the success of the “Bawal Lumabas” statement she made at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kim could not believe the amount of success her statement has reached.

Kim described her ‘Bawal Lumabas’ journey this way – “From a mistake to a meme, to a dance challenge, to a full song, to shirts for a cause, and now a mini-series.” Kim will soon start taping the “Bawal Lumabas” series.

“I still can’t believe where “bawal lumabas” is now. From a mistake to a meme, to a dance challenge, to a full song, to shirts for a cause, and now a mini-series. 🙏🏻

I am just grateful. People may judge you, people may laugh at you, but you are in control of your feelings; no one is perfect. Pain makes us human.

Mistakes are part of our life for us to learn, to be stronger and God is preparing us for something bigger and better surprise.

Thank you @dreamscapeph @iwantph @kreativden sir @montie08 for this opportunity! Maraming Salamat po.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @chinitaprincess)

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