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Kris Bernal to body shamers: “This is the body I live in and it deserves respect”

Erase temporary societal beauty standards that play on social security, bad conscience, low self-esteem, or contribute to body pressure. What some of will call “Imperfections” e.g. cellulites, dark armpits, wrinkles, acne, eye bags, sagging boobs, stretch marks, little fat rolls, bloated tummies, bones and veins popping – I call “REALITY”.

And, those little but very REAL “Imperfections” have a lot to say about our lives, experiences, they have a lot to say about all of us, incredible, powerful women who must learn to appreciate every little thing that makes us, “SHE”. ✨

To all the body shamers out there, here’s my message for you: This is the body I live in and it deserves respect. My body is not yours to critique and discuss. My body is not for your consumption. My body is my home. It’s an archive of experiences.

My body has fought battles that only I will ever understand. So instead of placing value upon my body and what it looks like, place it upon my being, and who I am in the inside. God looks at the beauty of our hearts.” Kris wrote in the caption.

(Photo source: Instagram – @krisbernal)

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