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Derek Ramsay hopes that he and Andrea Torres will still be friends

Actor Derek Ramsay shared that he is still hopeful that he and ex-girlfriend, actress Andrea Torres will still be friends.

In an online interview for “24 Oras” with Nelson Canlas, Derek and his girlfriend, actress Ellen Adarna were featured for an interview. Derek and Ellen opened up about their relationship. Derek also opened up about his controversial breakup with Andrea.

“You know me Nelson, I don’t have any ill feelings towards any of my exes. It’s sad that we haven’t really spoken since the breakup. In all honesty I have no regrets about whatever happened between Andrea and I…” Derek said.

“I’ve always remained quiet because I respect her and her family and just like my other ex, I respect all of them…There was no third party, nobody intentionally tried to hurt anyone. There was just I guess differences between the both of us that we couldn’t handle.”

“If I definitely, if I see her in the hallways of GMA, I will, I’ll go approach her and greet her. And greet her mom cause I know the mom would be there with her. But again, we’re both different individuals and I guess we handle things differently… I’m sure there will come a time where we will be back to I guess having some sort of relationship as friends. And I hope for that day.” Derek added.

(Photo source: Instagram – @always.andrek)

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