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Kris Aquino on Mark Leviste’s remarks: “without my knowledge or consent”

Actress and TV host Kris Aquino reacted to a statement made by Batangas Vice Governor Mark Leviste about the status of his heart.

During an interview, Leviste was asked about the status of his heart. The vice governor answered “Hindi lang happy, full of love, love, love!” The remarks ‘love love love’ is a familiar expression of Kris to spread love to others.

In an Instagram post, Kris clarified what Leviste said during the interview:



Mark Leviste on the status of his heart: “Hindi lang happy, full of love, love, love!”


“For my peace of mind, just the facts: without my knowledge or consent, someone spoke about what’s supposed to be his “ taking care of me in LA” plus “our happy and full of love relationship” – yet just like any new relationship many couples will easily identify, we are still adjusting to each other’s already set habits & ways.

Recently there have been unavoidable conflicts. i don’t believe in presenting a happy picture when that’s not quite our current reality.

I’m hopeful we can still work through our differences, though a part of me realizes the lack of wisdom in embarking on a relationship while undergoing treatment.”

Leviste reacted by posting the following: “As the song goes: “Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love”

(Photo source: Instagram – @markleviste)

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